Changes to my study program

In terms of the curriculum, I wouldn’t change any of the classes I have had right now. I’m on second year of social work so I can only talk about the classes I’ve already had. All the classes I had till now vary a lot from subject and are connected to the other careers in the faculty, so my learning is more integral and multidisciplinary.

I would change the workload we have; now we must read approximately 300-400 pages per-week among going to class and writing assays. I understand that al the readings given to us are necessary, but some weeks there’s not enough time for everything.

In terms of the infrastructure of our faculty, I can propose changes as i never went to university physically because of the pandemic. I didn’t even go to the welcome for new student event at the beginning of my first year.

Respecting the use of technology and teaching methods, I believe the university should have given since the beginning of the pandemic computers and internet to all the students and teachers that needed them, so attending classes online was accessible to everyone. The teaching methods vary a lot depending on the teachers and all of them have had to adapt to this online modality, some have done it better than other and maybe there should have been a capacitation for the ones who needed it, as some older teachers don’t know how to record and upload classes or use the university page (U-cursos).


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