My Pets

 For as long as I can remember my family has had cats, we have also had a dog once, but she escaped. At the moment I live with three cats: Lucero, Frodo and Saphira. 

Lucero is the oldest and smallest one. She’s 12 years old and I have had her since I was in fourth grade. She’s my best friend, we sleep together and she’s always by my side in classes and when I study. Lucero doesn’t like other people or cats very much and tends to hiss at every one but me, unless she’s cold in which case she’ll accept pets from my sister and mother. 

Frodo is my sister’s cat. He’s 11 years old, big with white and grey hear and green eyes. My sister and mother love and spoil him very much and I believe he thinks he’s a prince. He loves to eat, especially tuna fish and sweet stuff. Frodo often accompany my sister while she eats (in case he can get a treat haha) and they often take naps together in a hammock on our backyard.

Lastly, Saphira is our youngest cat. She’s just 8 months old and we adopted her because she had a broken leg, and no one was taking her to the vet. Saphira is a fully black cat, except for her left eye which has white hair. She’s the baby of the house and copies everything Frodo does, Lucero doesn’t like her very much.


  1. Beautiful your cats, I remember when I was a kid there were 2 cats in the house and they always fought. They never loved each other, like Lucero and Frodo.

  2. They're so sweet!! I always wanted yo have a cat but my mom doesnt like cats :(


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