English language chaIenges

I think my English learning experience has been better in university than in my school, as I didn’t want to learn English when I was little I didn’t put much attention in class. Now that I’m in university I know I need to learn at least the basics in English for my professional life so I have taken advantage of the classes these two years.

The blogs have been a challenge for me, because I never practiced writing in English before entering university, but with the time they have become easier to do.

The part that need most improvement on my English is my speaking, as I’m still not comfortable talking in envían and it takes me a lot to find the right words, I thing the only way to solve this is to speak it more.

I’m using English very little outside class as my career centres more in Latin American readings en European so I’m using more Portuguese and french, but I’m practicing English while watching tv shows without subtitles.


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